Wednesday, February 19, 2014

be unique, be different, be YOU

Lately I've been thinking a lot about social media and the pressure it can put on people. The media around us has such a great impact on our lives. We seem to base what we do or what we look like off of what society tells us. What happened to creativity and originality?

It's so crazy to me how everyone tries so hard to be this person that the media tells you is perfect. Society pressures you to believe that in order to fit in, you have to be this certain person. You have to have that same pair of shoes that so and so has. Or you have to have that long, blonde, beachy hair that every girl has. You have to have that perfect tall, skinny body. Oh and not to mention "thigh gaps".

Has it ever occurred to you that when you're born you look the same as any other baby. As a baby you're treated just like any other child. A lot of babies look the same too. They all have those round cheeks and fat rolls (that I will say are adorable).    Or have you ever realized that when you're old you look just like any other old person. They all have that wrinkly skin and grey hair. You are treated the same too. Often pushed aside because you're too old to do anything.

This time we have right now in our lives is our only time to create something different for ourselves. Stop waisting time trying to fit that "perfect" image that society has brainwashed us to believe. Stop trying to be the same as everyone else. Be your own self and be unique. You need to realize that it's okay to be different. Being different isn't a bad thing. It means you're brave enough to be yourself. Different is good. Different is great. You need to believe that you are beautiful just the way you are. Love yourself for it. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Don't be afraid to create your own image that's different from society's because sooner or later everything will eventually be the same.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

in with the new, out with the old

WOW. 2014. Two thousand thirteen cruised by. So much has changed within this past year. Both good and bad. Made new friends. Lost old ones. Did crazy rebellious things. Got grounded. I think I'm ready for a fresh new start though. I'm ready for this crazy new adventure that's about to begin.

With this new year I set some new year resolutions that I need to work on.
1. Be as happy as possible
2. Take better care of myself in every way I can
3. Make plans and set roots for moving into the future
4. Better my relationships with others
5. Read the Book of Mormon
6. Prepare for a mish
7. Think of others more
8. Get a boyfriend ;)
9. Be adventurous and try new things
10. Make things to be proud of, for myself and others

And those are just a handful. But in all honesty, I can't wait for whats to come in this next year. I'm ready to meet new people. I'm ready to move out and experience the world on my own. I'm ready to go out and teach others about the gospel. I'm ready to go to college and learn new things. I'm ready to change myself for the better. I'm going to try my hardest to push myself to try new things. I'm going to work on putting myself out there and not being afraid to get hurt. I'm going to stop fearing and start believing. Bring it on 2014.